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A Moment With Chad #3


Chad closes the door to the basement of the Guardians Lair and looks around to make sure none of his friends are around. He knew I.Q. was at the local library which made no sense to him, who went to a library when they didn't have to? It was summer vacation after all.

All their families were getting together later to celebrate Father's day at the new water park that had been built. So everyone else was getting ready for that. Chad wanted to take this time while the others were busy, to come down to the Lair for his episode of A Moment With Chad.

And to make sure that he wouldn't be interrupted he froze the door before walking down the stairs and starting his second episode.

Writing on the chalkboard A Moment With Chad he turned around and grinned at everyone. "Okay, in honor of father's day, this episode of A Moment With Chad is dedicated to the letter F!" He grinned as he wrote on the chalkboard.

Most American car horns honk in the key of F!

He put the chalk down and gave a bow before walking up the stairs and pulling on the door, frowning when it wouldn't open. He slammed his fist on the door when he realized he had not only frozen his friends out but also frozen himself in. Turning to give everyone an abashed look.

"Let's not speak of this when we see the others okay? You guys get back to your father's day activities while I see about finding a way out of here without breaking anything."



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